As midterms come to a close, I am thanking the heavens that I have made it through one of the most stressful periods during the school year without getting sick. I feel like everyone around me is coughing, sneezing or sniffling, and I'm attributing my stellar immune system to the effort rigorous vitamin taking and breakfast eating.

I used to be a chronic breakfast-skipper, but I now realize there really is no excuse. It's important to take care of myself, and waking up 15 minutes earlier to enjoy a nice breakfast is well worth the struggle of getting out of bed.
I'm especially looking into ways to incorporate veggies into my breakfast, and so far this is my go-to meal that I don't think I could possibly get sick of. It's a 3 egg omelet (that uses only one yolk), an ounce of smoked salmon, sautéed asparagus and just a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.