Time to get down and crafty, my friends. Earlier this week I was in Payless searching for a simple and cheap pair of black ballet flats. While I didn't find anything I was looking for, I did stumble upon a pair of white Ked look-a-likes that were about $11 (can I get a whoop whoop). In this cold New York weather, I was instantly reminded of the California heat that calls for sundresses and Keds 365 days of the year.

White "Keds" is a particular no-no in the city of dirty subway stations and questionable street puddles; this was the perfect time to try some dip-dye/ombre techniques. It was so much fun and super simple. Here's how I did it:

1: The first step was to remove the shoelaces and coat the edging with petroleum jelly so the dye doesn't stain the rubber. The sneakers look best when they have crisp white detailing.

2. Fill an adequate size bucket with water and pour some dye* in. For the first dip, you want to keep the color light. You'll have to guesstimate how much dye to put in because different dye brands and colors vary.
3. Hold the shoes close together so that the ombre effect will start at the same place for each shoe, then begin your first dip going up near the heel of the shoe (each dip will get progressively closer to the toe).