I have been living in The City since August, and since then some fundamental changes have been necessary for my survival. Heels are a thing of the past since I walk everywhere; fast walking is my new, normal pace; and I no longer tote the kitchen sink in my handbag. Deep down I will always be the California girl who drives everywhere, and therefore keeps a change of clothes in her backseat and her purse stocked with the items to remedy any possible emergency.

Unfortunately that west coast habit is not only hard on the shoulders, but is mega inconvenient. I've gotten pretty good at limiting myself to items that I use regularly. Here's what I carry with me on an average day.

1. Darla wallet with key chain
2. iPhone/subway entertainment
3. Water bottle
4. iPhone portable charger
5. Business card holder
6. Point and shoot camera (because lugging a DSLR is not practical)
7. Sunglasses
8. Kind bar
9. Moleskine planner
10. Small notebook
11. iPad (which I don't actually carry everywhere/everyday)
12. Bobbi Brown foundation stick
13. Jo Malone perfume
14. Cover Girl lip stain
15. Sunscreen
16. Lady product
17. Deodorant (anyone who has ever been in a subway station during the summer understands this)