I've been in denial about how quickly the summer is coming to an end, but today, when I heard an advertisement on Spotify, say, "Now that summer is winding down..." I knew I had to face the facts. Today marks my last week that I'll be spending in New York before I move back to school in early September. As sad as I am about leaving, I know it will make returning all the sweeter. Here are a few of my favorite things from this week.

1. JCrew smoking loafers: sold out | Similar here

2. Quick pasta dish I threw together; I'm trying to use up my groceries before I leave NY

3. My iPhone lock screen with a picture of young (and very attractive) Joe Biden

4. This amazing book with 642 fantastic writing prompts

5. The best playlist ever made. It features songs strictly from the 90s/ early 2000s
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