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The Better Chilled Chia Oatmeal with Mango

April 11, 2014

Chilled Chia Oatmeal With Mango 
Now that the weather is finally warming up, I no longer feel the desire to start my mornings with a hot breakfast. A small bowl of oatmeal and yogurt is generally my meal of choice in the mornings, especially when I'm running off to an early class (8:40 enviro sci—ew). But spring has sprung here in the city, and my breakfast preference has now shifted to chilled oatmeal that is even simpler than a warm one.
Step 1 and 2 Step 3 and 4 Step 5 and 6 Step 7 and 8 

all done
I prepare a few of these in advance every week because they are great for grab and go situations, and it helps me avoid skipping the most important meal of the day. After all, there is a reason every mom is a drill sergeant about not skipping breakfast. Learning how toxic waste travels through soil is rough enough. Doing it on an empty stomach? Not gonna happen.

serves 1

¼ cup dry oatmeal
½ cup milk (dairy, almond, or soy)
¼ cup Greek yogurt
¼ teaspoon vanilla
honey to taste
½ tablespoon chia seeds
½ cup chopped mango (fresh or frozen) divided in 2

  1. Combine oatmeal, milk, yogurt, vanilla, honey, chia seeds, and half of the chopped mango
  2. Place mixture in the fridge overnight
  3. Before serving top with the second half of the chopped mango


  1. Hi Monique! Love the ide for this overnight breakfast. Your photos are great!

  2. I just bought chia seeds and was waiting to find a recipe so... thank you! I just made it and will try in the morning. Really great photos!

  3. I just want to say that I really like this recipe! The oatmeal really helps detract from the egg-white slime consistency of chia seeds. I've tried a couple other recipes after this one and I think you have the right idea for my tastes. So...thank you for sharing.

  4. Did you use a specific kind of chia seed? I've read some health bloggers recommend raw ones but I'm holding off on that investment (looking at you, Whole Foods!) in case I can use the cheaper versions at Trader Joe's, etc. Thanks - can't wait to try this.

  5. Just so you know, I am in love with this. I am not a mango girl, but I have been loving this with raspberries! Yesterday I tried it with maple syrup, some chopped pecans and adding frozen blueberries in the morning. <3! It's my go to breakfast and I'm trying to think of new variations. Thank you!

    1. So glad you are loving it Ronja! Great idea with the raspberries. It makes me happy to hear that you are easily able to make variations to fit your diet and preferences!


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