1. Can we just talk about the atrocity that is the Biebs? One second he was little girl boy on the radio melodiously singing a banal term of endearment for the object of his affection. And now he is this:
Oh, and let's not forget this little gem of a quote. Looks like his atrocious attitude and wardrobe arrived justin time for him to win this:
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Congrats, JB. You earned it. (Would real Martha ever make such a floral arrangement? I think not, hence me being The Better Martha).
2. By making us wait for season 2 of The Mindy Project, Mindy Kaling has perfected 21st century torture methods. Oh and then she really rubs Himalayan sea salt in the wound by telling us that James Franco and Kris Humphries will be guest staring. Dear Mindy, my feelings toward you are precariously balanced between love and hate right now.
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3. The Jo Bros have emerged from their grave that is New Jersey. Their (meager) revival has left me scratching my head. I thought they were deader than Amanda Byne's career and Juicy Couture track suits.
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