For me summer is kind of like the annoying cousin that you see at the yearly family get together; fun and entertaining the first hour or so, but by the end of the evening you are counting down the hours until he leaves. Aside from the delicious fruit and not having to go to class, summer pretty much offers me nothing. I guess I can only say this as a native Californian who experiences warm weather year round, but honestly I just want to go back to sweater weather.
{Old water fountain used as a flower bed}
My parents, however, love the grueling heat since they are from Jamaica. On the weekends my dad isn't working they spend countless hours gardening and making multiple runs to Home Depot. I've always been the type who prefers getting glue and glitter under my nails rather than dirt. Today I just looked on, snapped pictures, then retreated to our air conditioned house as they strategically planted flowers in the front yard.
{Backyard flower}
{The surgery performing, video game playing, gardening hands of my parental unit}
{Parental Unit #2}
{Grapes growing on our fence}
{Front yard flower bed}
{One of the last peaches left on the peach tree}
{Sprinkler rainbow}
It may seem a bit odd that I don't roll up my sleeves and jump in, but honestly, I couldn't care less about the pursuit of the most evenly green lawn on the block, and I most certainly will not deal with the uneven tan lines that come from wearing gardening gloves.
{Garden statue}
We have had this statue in our front yard for months now, and still every time I pull into the driveway at night it freaks me out. My mom installed some garden lights to highlight features in our front yard at night, and the lights illuminate this statue and cause some really freaky shadows to pop up. Call me a scardy-cat, but if you saw it up at dusk you'd have the same reaction.
We enjoy our garden and all that it produces, including the bonding moments.